Sabtu, 02 April 2011

Tana Toraja Culture Tour

Cultural Tourism Tourism Tana Toraja in South Sulawesi is the most popular, well known by tourists as a world cultural attractions. Tana Toraja is known for its cultural wealth (traditional house Tongkonan, solo Signs funeral, cemetery Cave Londa, Lemo and Cemetery Stone Cemetery Baby Kambira).
Tana Toraja is located approximately 350 km north of Makassar, Tana Toraja to use domestic flights to Makassar, Tana Toraja. for 45 minutes from Hasanuddin Airport in Makassar. Can also be reached by land vehicles, it takes seven hours.
The journey from Makassar by land, before entering Enrekang, there are distinctive and unique beauty of Mount Buttu Kabobong, that looks like a crown of holiness of the Goddess (The word figuratively).
makale Makale Rantepao
Makale Rante Pao, Tana Toraja regency capital, adorned with a pond with a diameter of tens of meters and lights and fountains are captivating, as if to welcome everyone who arrived in Makale. and luxurious impression.
In the morning, sun was shining but shrouded in layers of fog, beautiful and fascinating area of ​​hills in Toraja which slowly faded as the singing birds and the fresh morning air.
Re-exposure of rumah-di-tana-toraja Traditional House Tongkonan
The traditional house called Tongkonan. The roof is made from nipah leaves or coconut leaves and can last up to tens of years. Tongkonan also have the appropriate degree of nobility community strata (strata of gold, bronze, iron, and brass).
Mystical. Impression that immediately stuck out when looking in a dark old tongkonan. The body is interred in the tongkonan for months, even years, above the waist-high halls on the corner of the room in tongkonan.
In the room where the bodies are stored waiting for the funeral.
banua-tongkonan Traditional Village Pallawa
Pallawa traditional village, is a typical village which still has 11 buildings typical Toraja houses and 15 barns are typical Toraja.
The houses roofed bamboo structure is already hundreds of years old and still maintained a buffalo horn structure in the front of the house, the accessories that soon attracted the eye, as well as a line of pig tusks hung near the ceiling in the courtyard of the house.
The composition of buffalo horn indicate social strata homeowners, the more the horn means that the richer because he often held a traditional ceremony. While the pig tusks show that the house was diupacarakan in custom shower.
It can also be found relics of megalithic culture in Boriparinding. Kharisma and kekokohannya shining among dozens of giant boulders that.
Pemakaman Londa Regions funeral / cemetery Londa Cave
Londa is a complex of ancient tombs located in the cave.
On the outside of the cave looks wooden dolls typical Toraja.
The dolls are miniature replicas of the body or who died and was buried in that place.
Thumbnail is only for nobles who have high social strata, ordinary citizens do not have the honor to be made sculpture.
Londa Tana Toraja cave tombs are graves on the side of steep rock, one side of the cemetery is located at the height of the hill has a deep cave where the bodies crates in the set and are regrouped based on the family line.
On the other side of the tens of tau-tau in hidmat standing on the balcony like a living face looked with open eyes full wibawah.
img_1266 Regions funeral / cemetery Stone Lemo
Here the bodies are placed in holes in a rock cliff wall.
People used to emboss this cliff over the years, so that the bodies of the deceased can be planted in it. The higher the location of the casket, it means also the higher social strata. At Lemo Tana Toraja Grave Stone can be seen porch tau-tau on steep rock walls, overlooking open kealam.
Tau-tau Lemo Grave Stone or wooden statues that are considered small human spirit accommodate the die is made of wood or bamboo. Periodically clothes can be replaced through a ceremony called Ma'nene (salute to parents).
Location of Grave Stone Lemo Tana Toraja is not far from the capital Makale Rantepao

Resize of dipemakaman
Village's oldest cemetery Kete 'Ke'su.
Before people know the more advanced cultures, the Toraja put crates in the cliffs corpse without plant.
Visible bones scattered around the cliff and wooden crates that are brittle and hollow bones and looked inside the coffin.
These crates are thousands of years old.
This tomb older than the cemetery at Londa and Lemo.
See also Village of Tana Toraja, Kete trouble

Cemetery Baby Kambira
A special cemetery for babies (baby Graves).. It appears black square boxes on the main stem of trees poking. "Boxes were actually already hollowed and filled with dead baby.
Infant graves on the tree in Kampung Kambira Tarra, Sangalla District, about 20 km from Rantepao,
The body of teething babies who have not buried in trees Tarra (Not implemented since the last decades), the tree where the "save" the baby's corpse was still upright and visited by many tourists.
Tarra tree - a fruit-like breadfruit - the circle of trees around 1 to 3.5 meters, saved dozens of dead babies.
The body is inserted into the tree trunk, the trunk first hole, then covered with palm fiber. Tana Toraja people still consider this place sacred as a newborn child.
Model Pekuburan Bayi di Kambira Tana Toraja
Placement of the baby's body in this tree, according to the social strata of society. The higher the degree of social family the higher the location of the infants who were buried in the trunk Tarra.
Babies who die are placed in the direction of the grieving family residence. . After decades, the bodies of babies that will blend with the trees and is an attraction for tourists
This baby graves called Passiliran, More Trees Tarra 'as a cemetery because it has a lot of tree sap, which is considered as a substitute for breast milk. And they regard as will the baby be returned to her mother's womb. And hope, return this baby to the mother's womb will save the babies who were born later.
The funeral was only done by the Toraja followers Aluk Todolo (belief in ancestors). Implementation of a simple ceremony. And just like that baby who was buried without the wrap, like a baby who was still in his mother's womb.
After decades, the bodies of babies that will blend with the trees
p4a5d9b7ed86f3 Ceremony
Ritual ceremonies such as "Signs Solo" (ritual of death) and "Signs Tuka" (thanksgiving ceremony) is a unique moment and very exciting. In addition, the ceremony also known Ma'nene '
Arts and Cultural District is Tana Toraja, ceremonial events are always there in every district, but the exact time is uncertain. Because the ceremony involving the entire family, usually held on a holiday, for the whole family can gather.
Signs Solo ', the ceremonial burying ancestors by Randanan Sweep event, and Tombi Saratu'. Tuka Signs and ceremony '.
Ceremony Signs Tuka 'and Signs Solo' accompanied with dance and music typical Toraja for days.
Tuka Signs' is a ceremony to enter a new custom house called Tongkonan or renovated house one time in 50 years. This ceremony is known as Ma'Bua ', Meroek, or Mangrara Banua Sura'.
In Tana Toraja adat, families left behind must hold a feast as a sign of their last respects to the deceased. People who died regarded as a sick man and should be cared for and treated like living people, like her, providing food, and beverages, and tobacco or betel nut.
Funeral held at a time-dependent family and an opportunity, so there may be 2-3 families that have died were undertaken.
During the ceremony, relatives staying at loud that had been prepared. A funeral is the highest category (Dipapitung Bongi), ie, for seven nights and every day are slaughtered animal. Sometimes collected reached 150 birds. and partly distributed to villages to help the implementation of the party. see also writing another " Ceremony Signs Solo "
Adu Buffalo
adutedong Adu buffalo (Mapasilaga Tedong). Before pitted, conducted parade buffalo. There is a Caucasian or an albino buffalo, others have dark patches on his back called salepo and black on the back (lontong boke). The last type is the most expensive price, up to hundreds of millions. There is also a male buffalo buffalo dikebiri.Puluhan this already lined up at the location of the ceremony. Furthermore, paraded and preceded by the team gong bearer, carrier banners, and a number of women from families who are grieving to the field which is located in rante (funeral).
When rows of buffalo leaving the location, the ceremony accompanied by traditional music rhythm arising from a number of women pounding rice in a large mortar and long alternately.
Before the buffalo race began, the committee handed over the pork that has been burned, smoke, and water that has been fermented juice-called palm wine, to guide the buffalo and the guests.
After all the procession passed by, followed by fighting buffalo in the fields. Adu buffalo buffalo begins with Caucasians.
Adu buffalo buffalo cuts interspersed with a procession of la Toraja, Ma'tinggoro tedong, namely with a machete and cutting buffalo with a single slash.
Buffalo bule (Tedong bonga), including a group of mud buffalo (Bubalus bubalis), which is a species found only in Toraja. Not only Mapasilaga Tedong (buffalo race), also Sisemba (adu feet) into the arena spectacle of this event
Graveyard Sarungalo
At the end of the trail nan shaded toward the grave stone, there is a tomb Sarungalo. is a respected nobleman in Tator. Sarungalo large family lived in Ke'te 'trouble', and menghibahkannya to be a tourist village.
Sarungalo who died a dozen years ago, buried with his wife in a modern tomb called patane. The tomb was not the same with the tomb stone Toraja society in general, because the shape of a house. Above the entrance, visitors can clearly see the statue Sarungalo standing by wearing a yellow jacket and berpeci.
Resize of buat patung orang mati Wood Carving Tana Toraja
The craftsmen who create paintings wood carving. typical local crafts, the use of natural dyes.
There are four colors typical Toraja who always adorn both painting and other crafts of wood carving. The colors were black as a symbol of death that uses ash, red as a symbol of blood using soil material, then yellow meaningful pleasure with ingredients from the soil, and the color white as a symbol of purity with the dye from the limestone.
Motif Toraja1 Typical fabrics Tana Toraja
Typical souvenirs, fabrics typical of Tana Toraja (Parambak) rich colors and motifs can be found in the village Sadang Tobarana. Activities weaving and spinning yarn made by the women in the village.
Treats brown rice, grilled fish spiced sauce dabu dabu a fresh spicy, pork meatballs and a kind of special drink sweet wine and bar drinks are always available at food stalls typical Toraja.
In addition, Tana Toraja region has been recommended to serve as UNESCO world cultural heritage to the United Nations.
According to experts, every inch of the Toraja district is the area of ​​the world cultural heritage should be preserved